Productivity during the Holidays



Winter is coming! The Holidays are descending upon us, along with all the not-so-nice side effects from over-indulging.  In addition to suffering from food induced comas, people are generally distracted with online shopping and taking time off to spend with family and friends around the Holidays. With all of this going on, productivity tends to tank during this time. This isn’t so great, especially if you work on a Calendar Year-End and have a laundry list of to-dos before the end of the year. So, how do you balance work and life and still get everything done? Here are five helpful tips to get you through this Holiday Season:

  1. Sleep

It’s not overrated, and it will help you be much more productive during the work day. And if you get to bed earlier, you’ll be able to get a jump start on the day!

  1. Stay Hydrated

Besides the fact that your body needs water to survive, you will feel more awake and less apt to go for that extra Christmas cookie that’s been eyeing you for the past 30 minutes. Sugar might give you an extra boost in the short-term, but that crash is just around the corner. Staying hydrated will also help combat the nasty aftereffects of all those Holiday parties and get-togethers like headaches, hangovers, and weight gain!

  1. Time Management

Planning and setting deadlines will help you visualize everything on your to-do list and help you to focus on your priorities when other issues that may need your attention pop-up. Give yourself a window to complete a task. When you finish, reward yourself with a short break to get up, stretch your legs, and check your phone and email.

  1. Make your phone less distracting

Texts, social media, The Meta Picture; let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of falling into the black hole where minutes disappear instantly after you start scrolling through pictures. These are all real distractions! Do yourself and your productivity a favor, and leave your phone in your jacket pocket or silence notifications until you take lunch or a small break.

  1. Breathe

It can be very easy to get overwhelmed with a long list of items to take care of around the holidays. Stick with your schedule and take a deep breath. Realize that you’re only human and some things can wait. Prioritize more important projects, delegate and ask for help when you can. This will save you time, stress and help you make that last-minute trip to the mall!



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